During various periods in my life, I have used my spare time to develop many hobbies -- different forms of needlework, gardening, a dollhouse (named MurHaven), etc. During the past year and a half, I have devoted this time to Paint Shop Pro...first beginning with version 5.0 and progressing to the new 7.0. These pages show my progress (or lack of) with computer graphics. I by no means claim to be an artist; I just love to "cut and paste" and manipulate images on the computer.

Twice now I have written the following statement regarding this hobby.
I believe it needs to be placed on this my first "real" WEB page.

I am new to all of this and want to learn.
PSP has been like a grand adventure for me
with each stop more wonderful than the last.
I don't want this trip to ever end.


If you are "visiting" with me now, I hope you enjoy seeing some of my favorite "original" images. This site is dedicated to all of you.....who have been an inspiration to me.